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    Free Activities: Hunt for Letter Sounds and Build Words with Letter Tiles

    Hunt for Letter Sounds in Decodable Books and Build Words With Letter Tiles.

    Activity #1

    Hunt for Letter Sounds in Decodable Books


    Have students hunt for words with target letter sounds (e.g., short I) in a decodable book. Then, have them share the words they find with a partner.
    Tip: For more ideas, check out the built-in review and family engagement ideas at the end of the decodable book.

    Activity #2

    Build Words With Letter Tiles


    Give students a worksheet with pictures of short “I” words. Say the names of the pictures using the onsets and rhymes (e.g., Say, "/h/ /ip/" for "hip") and have students point to the pictures that match the words as you say them. Then, have students identify the same sound in each word (e.g., /i/). Finally, have students build these words on sound boxes using letter tiles.

    Fill out the form to download the Free Activities now.

    To read the full article on 17 Effective Decoding Strategies and Activities for Emerging Readers, click here.

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