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    Engage Newcomers! Take-Home Backpacks

    Grades PreK–12

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    Empower newcomers to thrive in their new schools and communities!

    Designed for PreK–12 students who are new to the USA, and do not speak English, this take-home backpack aims to help ease their transition into the school system. This invaluable resource includes books illustrating typical school activities and offers fun ways to learn essential English words and phrases. Help newcomers confidently conquer the challenges of a new school environment and a new language with these must-have tools.

    Each backpack includes:

    • Family Guide that enhances the support for newcomer families with a 4-page, full-color guide, available in multiple languages. This easy-to-follow resource offers tips to effectively use the materials included, ensuring a smooth transition for newcomers and their families to the school and community.
    • English Words to Know Book that is full-color and includes 115 important words. Each word has a picture, a definition, and space for students to write their own notes about each word so that students can quickly and effectively build their English vocabulary, boosting their confidence and communication skills.
    • 1 Set of Robust Flash Cards of important words for newcomers to know to build English language skills.
    • 3 Engaging Books that depict typical American school life, helping students acclimate both academically and socially.
    • Essential School Supplies to equip students for success—pencil, highlighter, and spiral notebook—ensuring they have everything they need from day one.
    Please complete the form to help us qualify your request. Your local TCM sales consultant will contact all eligible institutional representatives to schedule an in-person or virtual appointment to discuss your needs and process any resource or sample requests.

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