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    Free Download: The Wright Brothers STEAM Reader and Lesson

    Grades 3–4

    Math stories, whether fiction or nonfiction, support students in building interest and engagement in math topics and building bridges to inaccessible content. 

    In addition to books, incorporating STEAM challenges that explore topics in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics invite students to collaborate with peers to creatively solve problems.

    Math stories and STEAM challenges come together in this downloadable lesson for students in grades 3 and 4. It includes a:

    • Student eBook on the Wright Brothers and their experiments in flight 
    • STEAM challenge inviting students to design a glider to transport cargo
    • Detailed 2-day lesson plan for teachers with related math concepts
    • Printable activities 

    Fill out the form to download the The Wright Brothers STEAM Reader and Lesson now.



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